Sunday 9 March 2008

Hairy clothes

For all of you who have been wondering why my clothes contain so many white hairs (the black ones don't seem to stand out so much), here's why! Our laundry simply isn't safe for Babet, even when we put the laundry basket on the kitchen table. Sorry for the high level of Animal Farm-ness on my blog the past few posts.

Not so many highlights this weekend, I'm affraid. Except for a new load of chocolate easter eggs (including the infamous "eiwijzer"), dragging down the first Christmas tree of the former owners of our house, which they pitiably put in the back yard 16 years ago (normally, Christmas trees have the decency to die pretty quick after being planted, not this one...), and the day on which sooo many people have their birthdays! In alphabetical order, Bas, Laurent, Martine and Timo, congratulations!

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